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There is a vast world of information about cryptocurrency and blockchain. Access a full platform full of high-quality, crypto-related resources and insights.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Education

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Intro to Cryptocurrency

An introduction to the world of cryptocurrency, covering topics like how crypto works, investing strategies, and mistakes to avoid.

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Intro to Bitcoin

An introduction to Bitcoin, which covers what Bitcoin is and how it works, as well as exploring topics such as Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin halving.

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Trading and Analysis

A look at trading and analysis, exploring topics like market cycles, trading strategies, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis.

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Intro to Ethereum

A deep dive into the Ethereum network, covering how Ethereum works, smart contracts, gas fees, and ERC-20 tokens.

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Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

An in-depth look at decentralized finance (DeFi), which explores topics like how DeFi works, decentralized applications (dApps), staking, and decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

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An introduction to the exciting and innovative world of altcoins, which covers what altcoins are, the different kinds of coins and tokens, and how to build a diverse portfolio.

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A deep dive into blockchain, which explains how it works, and covers topics like Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and the blockchain trilemma.

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Investing for Beginners

An introduction to crypto investing, which covers how to identify good cryptocurrencies to invest in. It also provides some different investment and diversification strategies.

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NFTs for Beginners

An in-depth look at non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which covers what NFTs are and how they work, the most popular NFTs, and how to buy and make your own NFT.

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An introduction to good crypto security practices, which explores topics like creating a strong password, how to avoid scams, and ensuring you are withdrawing on the correct network.

Featured articles

New to crypto? Start with these

6 Biggest Crypto Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginner

There is a lot to learn when you first get into the crypto market. This article discusses the six most common crypto mistakes to avoid as a beginner.

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How to Store Cryptocurrency

After you buy cryptocurrency, you will need a place to store it. Cryptocurrency is stored in a crypto wallet. Learn more about storing crypto.

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Cryptocurrency Categories and Use Cases

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies and most of them seek to solve a problem. Learn more in this guide about crypto categories and use cases.

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Lesson Archive

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How to File Your Crypto Taxes in Australia 

Discover how to fulfill crypto tax obligations in Australia with guidelines from the ATO. Learn about key tax dates and multiple filing methods in this essential chapter.

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Factors to Consider When Managing Crypto Taxes

Discover strategies for managing crypto taxes in Australia, considering digital asset complexity and evolving regulations. Explore key factors and tax management options in this informative chapter.

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Tax on DeFi, NFTs and Mining 

Discover the tax implications of cryptocurrency activities in Australia, covering decentralised applications, mining, and more. Learn about potential tax liabilities for staking, borrowing, lending, NFT trading, and beyond.

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Introduction to Crypto Taxes in Australia 

Explore the complexities of crypto tax in Australia, covering various transaction types and key considerations. Get expert guidance on filing your crypto taxes in this comprehensive course.

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What is Phishing in Crypto?

Phishing is a common crypto scam where scammers pose as a trusted entity to trick people into revealing sensitive information. Learn how to recognise and avoid this type of scam.

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Creating a Secure Password

A secure password will make sure no one else can access your crypto. This guide will explain how to create strong passwords and how to store them safely.

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Beginners Guide to Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade

The Ethereum Shanghai upgrade will allow stakers to withdraw their ETH for the first time. This is expected to have impacts on price.

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What Problems Do Crypto and Blockchain Solve 

The crypto and blockchain space has evolved dramatically over the years. This article highlights some of the problems that crypto tackles.

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Guide to Crypto Self-Custody 

Self-custody refers to the ability to have full control and access to your assets. Learn more on how to take self-custody of your crypto.