Trading and Analysis
Trading is the process of buying and selling cryptocurrencies, generally through crypto exchanges. Analysis is the act of predicting future price movements based on historical data and trends (technical analysis) or finding the underlying value (fundamental analysis) of an asset.
Learn about Trading and Analysis
Beginner’s Guide to Crypto Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis provides traders and investors with deep insight into the value of an asset Learn how it works and how it differs from technical analysis.
Guide to Cryptocurrency Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)
Learn more about crypto dollar cost averaging (DCA), can be an effective investment strategy for mitigating risk of poorly timed lump sum trades.
What is Fundamental Analysis?
Fundamental analysis is used to try and find the underlying value of cryptocurrency. This is the first of a four part course.
Evaluating a Project’s Tokenomics and Financials
The fundamental analysis checklist can help you answer questions related to the project’s people, catalysts and weaknesses. Please note that this does not cover all aspects to be considered when performing a fundamental analysis. Screenshot taken from checklist What are tokenomics? Tokenomics delves into the fundamental economic principles applied to crypto assets. It’s pivotal in […]
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